Oscar De La Hoya checks into rehab facility, will miss Mayweather-Canelo
Oscar De La Hoya has voluntarily checked himself into an unspecified treatment facility and will not be attending “The One” Mayweather vs. Canelo” this Saturday in Las Vegas.
De La Hoya, who went through rehab in 2011 for substance abuse, announced in a statement today that he has entered the treatment center for what he called “his disease”.
De La Hoya’s statement via press release:
Canelo Alvarez and I have big fights coming up this weekend. His is the ring and mine in treatment.
I will not be at the fight this Saturday to cheer Canelo to victory since I have voluntarily admitted myself into a treatment facility.
I explained this to Canelo and he understood that my health and longterm recovery from my disease must come first.
Thank you for your understanding. I ask for your support and privacy during this difficult time for me and my family.
It is unclear whether the Golden Boy has broken his sobriety or just needs to be far away from the temptations that a weekend in Las Vegas will bring.
Oscar recently told the L.A Times He says he sometimes attends meetings six days a week, sometimes twice a day, sometimes as early as 5 a.m.
“The fight life, that was easy,” he said. “This is a battle I have every day.”